For the first time since I began my work as an independent education consultant, I will be away on November 1st. However, I am not afraid, and my students shouldn't be either.
As the real witching hour for many--midnight on Friday, November 1st--approaches, nearly all of my students have submitted their applications due at that time. Most submitted them closer to my October 15th submissions deadline. Still, there’s been a bit of seasonally-appropriate fright, mostly a refrain about one topic this past week:
“My teacher hasn’t submitted his/her letters yet! Should I not submit my application?”
The answer, of course, is “yes!” It behooves you to get that application in as soon as it is complete. While the application isn’t reviewed until every required part is in, the college still downloads it when you push the button. Colleges get an onslaught of last-minute submissions--why not separate yours from the pack? Show your ability to manage your time as well as your enthusiasm about each college by submitting as soon as you are satisfied with the application.
A second topic:
“I can’t send in my application because I’m still waiting for my scores from my October test!”
While there are a few colleges in the most-competitive category that need those scores either self-reported or sent from the testing agency by the November deadline, these schools are in the minority. This year, I have only one student in this category.
For most students, this situation gives you a great excuse to make contact with your admissions rep and ask if it’s ok to let them know your scores (which may include a superscore from earlier dates) as soon as you get the most recent scores. Most will tell you to add your scores to your portal, which you will have access to after you apply. If your earlier scores are not up to the college’s 50-75% percentile and you are praying for a miracle October score, check “not submitting scores” on your application. You can always submit scores that way; however, if you check that you do want your scores considered as part of your application, you must submit them.
Remember that you are in control of this part of the college process! I’m so proud of my students for working ahead of deadlines. Happy Halloween to all!
After I return on November 5th, I look forward to meeting with my sophomores and juniors to begin making college visit plans and list building. However, sometimes students and families aren’t ready for the conversation because they need time to explore on their own. But where to start?
Review this simple PDF. Which factors matter, to either/both the student and family?
Before booking the proverbial trip to Boston (MIT, Harvard, and Northeastern have single digit admit rates and unlikely admits for most students), why not start smart, go online, and learnwhat you can for free? (There is a lot of misinformation, so please stick with these sites.)
Less College Stress families: go onto your page and read about every college-the Fiske Guide (below) is included for free. Use the links in the Researching/Visiting colleges file! In fact, explore all your files...there’s much to be discovered about every aspect of the college process. While you are college shopping through through the Less College Stress system, try these:
Fiske Guide: the most comprehensive college guide, offering information about every feature of a college, plus possible overlaps and top programs. (free through my system, not outside it.)
College Navigator: play with exploring schools by Geography, Major, Type of degree and Institution, Undergraduate Student Enrollment, Tuition, Campus setting, % of applicants admitted, Test Scores, Varsity Athletic teams, and Religious Affiliation. (under Research within any College Profile) College Navigator.
Campus Reel: see great videos of campuses and follow students through their days at school. (under Research within any College Profile)
Loper: a college app that works like a dating app. Download, start your account, enter all your must-haves, and Loper will offer up colleges to swipe on. Link Loper to your Less College Stress system so I can see the schools you like.
So rather than booking a major trip, review that PDF, visit a few campuses in your area on a Saturday or Sunday. Explore, talk to students, and keep an open mind. If you can see yourself in every scenario, that’s fine. Rule out what you don’t want. I am here to fill in all the details, provide the data, and refine the list later!
Prairie View A & M University: This HBCU (Historically Black College/University) and R2 research university provides opportunities for STEM students. Most popular majors are Mechanical Engineering, Agricultural Business, and Nursing; Apple and engineering recruiters recruit heavily. Lots of scholarships available for students who submit test scores, including a full 45k scholarship for the agricultural school and up to 10k per year for students with GPA 3.5/SAT 1260/ACT 26.
Trinity University: Highly-selective, small, diverse liberal arts college in cosmopolitan San Antonio: its urban location sets it apart from other LACs, but like others, Trinity has no barriers to any major and emphasizes academic flexibility. Undergraduates are sought out for fully financed research, freshmen get job offers, and an annual $25k entrepreneurship competition. After graduation, 98% of students are employed/in grad school within six months, and 90% of pre-meds are accepted into medical school. Trinity is a happy home to Trinicats 😸 (cats who live all over campus)!
Baylor University: Southern Baptist University in Waco welcomes all students. Princeton Review ranks it #5 for first year experience and #5 happiest college. Although 15,000 attend, the average class size is only 26. Required chapel attendance and Christian Heritage and Scriptures courses. Business Entrepreneurship and Science programs are highly-ranked. School spirit abounds, 1/3 students engage in Greek life, and all enjoy visiting the two live bears that live on campus: Indie and Belle.
Southern Methodist University: Despite its name, SMU is a non-sectarian university. Nationally-ranked Cox Business School’s most selective program is Alternative Assets Management (ED applicants denied to Cox are still committed to SMU). Dual admissions are not offered for CompSci and Engineering (the latter boasts 40% women). PreCalc preferred for applicants, but it’s easy to switch majors (except into the business school). Required core curriculum, including a language requirement so students become world citizens. Exciting new Human Rights program: Beautiful campus!