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Admissions Reps Report: 2025 Updates from Rutgers, Binghamton, Stony Brook, and UConn

Rutgers-Over 80,000 applications this year; deadlines are firm. 36K undergraduates, 4.05 average GPA 1380-1510 School of Arts and Science. The Honors College has become highly selective. Top Majors are Computer Science, Business, Engineering, Biology, Professional Health Majors. Odds of admissions are better for Business Analytics and Info Technology than CompSci. The most competitive majors are 7 year BS/MD (20 students), Dentistry, DPT programs; 6 year PharmD and PA programs; 3+3 Law options, and 5 year Master's options, including 5th year MBA for Engineers. Direct admit programs all require Calculus; do not take Statistics only as a senior because you will not be prepared for college Calculus. Students enjoy internship and job opportunities in Philadelphia and NYC. 

SUNY Binghamton-14,000 undergrad students/5,000 undergrads 38% admit rate. 

93-98 GPA/1300-1450/29-33 ACT. Over 50K applications this year. Remaining test optional; first year research programs and publishing opportunities. Introducing a new School of the Arts offering BFA’s. Eligible students who apply to the School of Management are automatically considered for Harpur (A & S), but not for Watson (ENG and CS) or Decker (direct admit Nursing). Demonstrate interest-take at least Pre-Calculus. If you’re not eligible for SOM, the spot in Harpur will not be offered. Harpur students come in as undecided. Nursing requires the upper end of GPA and test scores.

Stony Brook-Early 10/15 EA deadline 4.05/29-33 ACT 1420 average SAT. 

60K apps this year, 4,000 admitted. Letters of Recommendation appreciated. Received 500,000,00 donation in 2024. Established Climate Solutions Center on Governor’s Island and Marine Research Center. Take the highest level math and science for Engineering and Computer Science, both restricted majors. Growing programs: Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Sustainability Studies, Mass Communications and Communications, Globalization Studies and Human Relations. Everyone should take a minimum of PreCalculus. Easy travel from NYC by Long Island Railroad to suburban campus; close to beaches. Stony Brook does not track DI but encourages future Sea Wolves to visit campus. 

UConn-Offered ED for the first time admitted 700 out of 1100 apps (16% of class); no EA, RD only. SAT 1410-1370/29-33. 19,000 students on the Storrs campus. Marine sciences are on the waterfront campuses. Top 5 majors are Computer Science, Biology, Management, Nursing, Allied Health Sciences. Merit aid for all students, and the Stamford campus has become more popular. The School of Nursing is growing as is the Engineering major. Admit directly to major.

Next week: Updates from UDel, UMD, and UVM!



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